IYN 200 Breath Yoga
Teacher Training
Open Your Dharma
Are you looking for a yoga education? This may be what you are searching for. Breath Yoga means Breath yoga. Breath means wind or new air but the word is also linked to a new spirit in Hebrew. A new start. BREATH Yoga means Breath Yoga. IYN 200 Breath yoga educates you within the breath system, but the most important thing is that you get an understanding and opportunity to open your inner road. The path that you were born with, but which unfortunately by society, politics, education is taken away from us. Unfortunately, we are all deprived of the opportunity to go the inner road. You will experience and learn that healthy growing happens through listening to oneself. Breath yoga will help you find strength in yourself by helping you become your authentic self. Contact me at contact@pustyoga.com or on my contact page.
Retreats 2023 will be on these dates
Blissful awakening - Brevik, kjøyakollveien
A beautifull place buy the sea, 20 min from OSLO in Nesodden
19,20,21, May
Price 2950 with full programme, bed and making food together
Price 1800 With full programme, no bed
Summer blitz. Brevik, kjøyakollveien
9,10,11,12,13 August
price 3950 with full programme, bed and making food together
Price 2200 With full programme, no bed
Breath retreat – BREATH yoga, OSLO, herregårdsveien 12,a
May 13. Letting Go - Breath release price 1 day NOK 800
17 June. Only love- Breath release price 800
Breath release 10-11,
humming and silence 11-1130.
Satsang 1130 -1300

About the Teacher Training
You are not a copy of everyone else, but unfortunately we often only become copies. But we all have our way. called dharma. Like your way, or your dharma. Often, Dharma opens by going this education. I myself opened my understanding about my road/dharma through teacher Vasant Swaha. This is something that over time I have meant a lot to me. If you are stuck in life, or need some wind under your wings, this is the education for you. Breath yoga combines Eastern wisdom with Western understanding of the nervous system and body.
Breathing yoga education has got many to start their own yoga classes and their own yoga forms. Breath yoga classes are found around Norway. Some have their own practice others follow the practice and participate actively in our community, others choose to be completely free .. We are therefore members of Iyn - Independent Yoga Network - not the American Yoga Alliance that is very controlled. Alexander is not here to create a cult, He is here to make you become more free, Mukthi as we call it in Yoga. So i want every soul to be FREE
The lead teacher is Alexander Teerth, he is formerly Sanyasin of Vasant Swaha. He has had teachers as G. devereux, D. Swenson, He has been doing yoga, meditation since 1993. Teerth means bridge or quiet water and is his soul name. So the intention in is to help pepole to come in contact with there Dharma..So he tries to help the students to ffind their inner way/ dharma. Living from the heart, living in love of the divine.
I hope to help people transcend from the little mind, from the ego and into the great mind - back to their natural mind, and through this, heart, wisdom, strength and against empire.
Strength to go your one way grows with the heart opening up and you find peace to trust yourself as well as, follow your inner road. The education goes over 8 weekends and in 200 hours
Two of the weekends are set aside for weekend collection where one spends the night
The price is NOK 29,900
This includes accommodation on Breath yoga in Oslo or in a cabin by the sea in the summer time in double rooms or tent in two weekends either on bed or floor. Bed linen must be taken.
The basic education contains the following: We use all the 8 arms or limbs characteristic of yoga.
The focus will be on Asasna, Pranayama, Niyama, Yama, Sukha, concentration in the exercises and Samadhi.
Breath yoga also focuses on zen learning and meditation and is freer an education via yoga alliance. We are a member of the Free Yoga Society (Iyn) and believe that freedom is the essence of yoga. Experiencing becoming more free, growing through being free to trust oneself, their own opinions and own understanding ..
1) Body scanning and breathing scanning, breathing circle. You will learn about the autonomic nervous system, anatomy and nervous system structure.
2) equilibrium methods, energy understanding, wisdom understanding and understanding of the importance of freedom to grow. How does the breath affect this process. Here you will learn different release exercises.
3) Deep introduction to energy understanding and what happens in the body and nervous system when you do breathe yoga. You will be trained in how HRV Heart Rate Variable is affected via breath as well as a deep understanding around the breath. as well as deep introduction to yoga philosophy
4) Asana and other exercises to strengthen the neurological bridge between the heart and the brain. This is often broken when one has been stressed, had anxiety or felt unhappy. If we push ourselves, push ourselves to just make it society, politics, friends, family expect us, we feel less on gratitude. Heart loses its openness and we stop living from the heart and become more of our head. This is scientifically documented.
5) Deep conversations about life and finding a way forward. Finding his dharma and daring to move in that direction. Dare to be humble for the pain and what it tells is important in this work. Having a teacher in this context is also important as the ego quickly turns in
6) Asana and meditation meditation. The main focus - lying down, sitting some standing asana in the basic education as well as the sun greeting. The focus in breathing yoga is to sync your breath with asana, so it will be a good flow in asana practice. So the flow and dynamics are as important as "right execution". The purpose is to experience deeper calm, that the heart opens, that you learn to listen to your body and heart.
7) Sharing and conversations with fellow students and learn about their own development in relation to finding inner calm, and strength to follow their heart
For registration send email to Contact@pustyoga.com
PUST educates you within the PUST system, but the most important thing is that you gain an understanding and the opportunity to open up the inner path. The path that you were born with, but which is unfortunately being taken away from us by society, politics and education. Unfortunately, we are all deprived of the opportunity to walk the inner path. the one that is about growing through listening to yourself or finding strength in yourself by being the original you are. You are not a copy of everyone else, but unfortunately we often become just copies.. But we all have our way. which is called Dharma. Like your way, or your dharma. Often Dharma opens up by going through this education. I myself opened my understanding of my path/dharma through teacher Vasant Swaha. This is something that I have realized over time has meant a lot to me. If you are stuck in life, or need a little wind under your wings, this is the education for you. BREATH yoga combines Eastern wisdom with Western understanding of the nervous system and the body.
The PUST yoga education has led many to start their own yoga classes and their own yoga forms. BREATHE yoga classes can be found all over Norway. Some have their own practice, others follow the PUST practice and participate actively in our community, Others choose to be completely free.. We are therefore members of IYN - Independent Yoga network - not the American Yoga alliance which is very controlled.
The main teacher is Alexander Teerth Skari, he is a former sanyasin of Vasant Swaha. He has been doing yoga, meditation since 1993. Teerth means bridge or still water.
I hope to help people transcend from the small mind, from the ego and into the big mind - back to their natural mind, and through this heart, wisdom, strength and courage will grow.
Strength to go your way grows with your heart opening and you find peace to trust yourself as well as follow your inner path. the education runs over 8 weekends.
Two of the weekend are set aside for weekend gatherings where you spend the night
The price is NOK 29,900
This includes accommodation at PUST or at a cottage by the sea in summer in a double room for two weekends either on a bed or on the floor. Bed linen must be brought.
The basic training includes the following: We use all 8 arms or limbs which are characteristic of yoga.
There will be a focus on ASASNAS, PRANAYAMA, NIYAMA, YAMA, SUKHA, Concentration in the exercises and SAMADHI.
Breath yoga also has a focus on Zen teachings and meditation and is a freer education via Yogaaliance. We are a member of the Free yoga society (IYN) and believes that freedom is the essence of yoga. Experiencing becoming more free, growing through being free to trust yourself, your own opinions and your own understanding..
1) Body scan and BREATHE scan, BREATHE circle. You learn about the autonomic nervous system, anatomy and the structure of the nervous system.
2) Equilibrium methodology, understanding of energy, understanding of wisdom and the understanding of the importance of freedom to grow. How does breathing affect this process. Here you learn various release exercises.
3) Deep introduction to energy understanding and what happens in the body and nervous system when you do BREATH yoga. You will receive training in how HRV Heart rate variable is affected by breathing as well as a deep understanding of BREATHING. as well as a deep introduction to Yogafiliosofy
4) Asanas and other exercises to strengthen the neurological bridge between heart and brain. This is often broken when you have been stressed, had anxiety or felt unhappy. If we push ourselves, push ourselves to only do what society, politics, friends, family expect of us, then we feel less gratitude. The heart loses its openness and we stop living from the heart and are ruled more by the head. This is scientifically documented.
5) Deep conversations about life and finding a way forward. Finding one's Dharma and daring to move in that direction. Dare to be humble about the pain and what it tells is important in this work. Having a teacher in this context is also important as the ego quickly kicks in
6) Asana and meditation meditation. Main focus - Lying, sitting, some standing asana in basic training as well as the sun salutation. The focus in breath yoga is to synchronize the breath with the asana, so there is a good flow in the asana practice. So the flow and dynamics are probably as important as "Correct execution". The purpose is to experience deeper calm, that your heart opens, that you learn to listen to your body and heart.
7) Sharing and conversations with fellow students and teachers about their own development in relation to finding inner peace, and strength to follow their heart
If you want follow-up during your own internship period, this costs NOK 500 per hour with a teacher.
Registration: sent to alexander.skari@icloud.com
Be in the Moment with BREATH Yoga
Just Breathe
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