Weekly Courses Throughout the Year
We offer weekly courses year-round, so simply purchase a course package and get in touch to sign up for a class. A course package in PUST Yoga consists of 8 sessions of 1.5 hours each.
Courses in 2025
I teach courses in breathing techniques and PUST Yoga. Here’s the course schedule:
PUST Yoga Course at Barcode - Medco_dinhms
Time: 17:00–18:15
Focus: Beginner-friendly with a calm emphasis on coherent breathing, HRV breathing, and exercises tailored for office workers. The course includes both breathing techniques and yoga.
PUST Yoga Course at Nordstrand
Time: 19:00–20:30 -
PUST Yoga for Beginners at Nordstrand
Time: 17:30–18:45
Focus: Beginner-friendly with a calm emphasis on coherent breathing and HRV breathing.
Pure Breathing Technique Course
Held on the first Saturday of every month
Time: 11:00–15:00
Important Information
You can start in the middle of a course if spaces are available.
Outdoor Hatha Yoga: Contact us at 91601441 to inquire about available spots.
Start Dates for Outdoor Yoga:
May: 7, 14, 21
June: 18, 24
How to Sign Up
SMS: Send a text to 91601441
Click the course package link on the website, or
Send payment via Vipps to 91601441, including your name and the day you wish to attend.
You’re also welcome to send me an email through the contact form [here].
Find one that works for you
Pust yoga kurs
2,400NOKKurs over 8 onsdager fra dato til dato. Rolig PUST yoga i våre lokaler.- 8 in-person Breath/Pust Yoga Classes, 85-95 mins. each
- Quiet, restorative yoga focused on breathing techniques
- With teacher Alexander Teerth Skari
Gavekort PUST
2,400NOKEt kurs eller 2 sessioner med PusteterapiValid for 12 months- Focus on posture
- Asana
- Pranayama
- Ujaji
- Full Yoga Breath
- Slow Breathing
- Occasional outdoor sessions in our beautiful garden
Lær å pust riktig
9,990NOKVurdering av pustekspert , Lage eget program ifht Pusteøvelser- 3 personlige sesjoner samt et PUST yoga kurs eller dagskurs med Pusteteknikker.- vurdering av kvalitet på Pust, holdning, samt årsaksanalyse
- Få hjelp med : Pusteproblemer. Hodepine, angst, snorking,
- stoffskifteubalanser, lite energi, stress, Muskel skjelett
- Dårlig søvn, Smerter, stivhet, artose, høyt blodtrykk, IBS,
- Krohn, Ulcerøs kolitt, mageproblemer ,
- PUSTE terapi 1 timer - Får egne Pusteøvelser, treningsøvelse
- 1 stk kurs fysisk pustkurs e
- Verdi 14400 ,- pris nå 9990
Pust online medlemskap
99NOKEvery monthMedlemskap til online pusteøvelser og yogaBreath coaching education
5,997NOKDe som har kjøpt breath coaching 10 modul onlineValid for 12 months